You might be wondering …

What should I do
with my kids today?!

Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #205: Butter Making

I love things that are DIY (and while I know many people don’t feel the same way, I thought this would be a fun DIY for the family). I have always been interested in making my own butter but never found a recipe that I thought looked like fun nor looked like something my kids would even want to help with, until now! I stumbled across this recipe and knew I had to share it with you all. So, for today’s daily idea, we are making our own butter to be used over the thanksgiving weekend.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #204: Send Thanksgiving to a Friend

This year has been a doozy. Most of us are celebrating Thanksgiving with our immediate families and may be missing the large gathering with friends and family this coming Thursday. So today, we are putting together a small Thanksgiving gift for another family who would have been celebrating with us. We are sending the following cookie recipe (the dry ingredients will go into a mason jar). Once it is all ready, we will carefully bubble wrap it and send it with the instructions for the recipient to make in order to feel like we are together.


1½ cup (180g) all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon baking soda

¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon salt

¼ cup (25g) rolled oats

½ cup (90g) packed brown sugar

½ cup (100g) granulated sugar

1 cup (175g) chocolate chips

  1. Whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt in a medium sized bowl.

  2. Pour flour mixture into the bottom the mason jar. Spread evenly to form a flat layer.

  3. Add oats, then brown sugar, and granulated sugar, flattening each layer as you add them.

  4. FInally, add chocolate chips.

  5. Seal jar tightly with lid and affix the instruction label

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #203: Thankful Pumpkin

Every year on Thanksgiving we all go around the table and say one thing for which we are thankful. And while I love doing this, it always makes me think that there are so many more things for which I am thankful that I want to share. So, a few years ago, I found this art project that displays a few more things of gratitude and we have been doing it every year since.


Orange construction paper cut into strips wide enough to write a word or a sentence on them (we usually cut the paper along the short side into at least 8 strips)

Green construction paper cut into a leaf shape (one for each person with their name on it)

a pen

a hole puncher


“Helicopter” tabs (two for each pumpkin)

For each strip of your construction paper, write one thing for you are thankful. If your child cannot write for themselves, have them come up with the things they would like you to write on the strips of paper. Once each strip has at least one idea of something to be thankful, stack them all on top off each other. Punch a hole in the top and bottom of the pile. Punch a hole in the leaf and line it up with the top hole in your strips of paper. Put the “helicopter” tabs into both the top hole and the bottom hole and spread the strips of paper out in the middle. It will create a pumpkin shape and you can display your “Thankful Pumpkins” on your Thanksgiving Table this year.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #202: Feather Flight

Thanksgiving is less than a week away so until next Thursday, I am going to be posting ideas to get us into the Thanksgiving spirit.

To start off, whether you eat turkey or not, we all know that turkeys are a key food in this holiday and all turkeys have feathers. For today’s daily idea, all you need are a few feathers. Each player gets a feather and the goal is keep it from falling to the ground without using your hands.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #201: Sponge Bombs

The days are getting shorter and chillier. My kids are loosing time outside once the sun goes down. But once they get inside they love a nice warm bath; before dinner, after dinner, really anytime. They can stay in said bath for as long as I let them— hours, I bet. And what do they love to do in the bath? Splash! Sometimes we close the curtain (like someone is showering) and just let them have at it and make a hurricane. And sometimes, they forget to close the curtain and we all have to clean up the puddles that accumulate. So, for today’s daily idea we are making a toy for the bath to enhance the splash. Sponge bombs!


3 sponges

1 hair tie

For each sponge bomb, you’ll need 3 sponges and 1 hair tie. Cut the sponges into thirds on the longer side of the sponge. Gather them together and wrap the hair tie around the middle of the sponge stems (like you are tying a ponytail) until you cannot make another loop with the hair tie. Fluff the sponge stems out so they poof in all directions and you have a sponge bomb! Throw them in the tub have fun!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #200: Following the Leader

200! I can’t believe we are at Daily Idea #200! For today’s daily idea, I am putting the control in my kids’ hands. We are going to play follow the leader but each of them will takes turns being the leader— I will just be a follower. It’s so much fun to watch them realize that you will follow anything they do (obviously, as long as it’s safe and stay within house rules). So have fun, let your kids’ control your motions, and if you can, post some pictures of your follow the leader game today 🥰

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #199: Play Dough Fossils

Yesterday we made play dough. Today we are using that play dough to make fossils and then guessing what the fossil is. Gather up some items from around the house— a coin, a pen cap, a toy car, a rubber duck, anything you think can make an imprint. Take turns choosing one of the items secretively and making an imprint for everyone else to guess what the item is.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #198: Play Dough/ Cloud Dough

My 9 year old spent half the day yesterday looking up do it yourself play dough/cloud dough recipes and then spent the other half of the day making different doughs with which her and her brothers could play. So for today’s daily idea, I am taking inspiration from her and giving you the easiest play dough/cloud dough recipe I could find.

All you need is cornstarch and hair conditioner. Mix two parts cornstarch to one part hair conditioner and knead thoroughly. You can add a few drops of essentials oils or some drops of coloring (food coloring has a tendency to dye your hands— bath bomb coloring is harder to find but doesn’t dye your hands) to make different kinds of dough. We used chopsticks, play dough tools, and our hands to create sculptures and such. When you are finished, store each dough in a plastic container or plastic baggies.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #197: Sock Puppet Show

Let the creative juices start flowing! Today, each child is getting a white sock, fabric markers, and whatever else we have lying around (yarn, googely eyes, pipe cleaners…) to create a sock puppet. Once each person has their character we are going to make a puppet show. We may write a script or we may just have a free flow show, but I am sure that my kids will have fun letting their creative side shine.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #196: Q-Tip Blowdart

Did you know you can turn a Q-tip into a blowdart? They are just the right size to fit into a plastic straw! For today’s daily idea, we are stacking plastic cups into a pyramid tower and using the blow darts to try and knock them over. Have your kids build their cup tower (they can build one or compete against each other and build multiple towers). Then place the Q-tip inside the straw and blow it out! Aim it at the towers to knock over the cups— it takes some practice between the aiming and the spacing of the cups, but it’ll keep everyone occupied for a while.

As always, have fun!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #195: Thank a Veteran

Today is veteran’s day. Yesterday we made poppy sun-catchers to hang from the front window. Today to honor and thank of all the men and women who have fought for our freedoms, we are writing letters and drawing pictures and sending them to an organization that will distribute them.

In looking for ways to send our thanks I found They have many ways that you can participate in thanking our heroes. For today’s daily idea, our family will be writing letters and drawing pictures so they can be received, correctly quarantined, and distributed before the holidays.

There may be many distribution centers, so if you would like, you can go to their website and submit your address for the closest place to send your letters. However, I submitted my address and this is the address I received.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #194: Remember and Thank a Veteran

Poppies are the international symbol for remembering and honoring veterans. I had heard of this tradition last year for the first time and didn’t understand why, of all things chosen, it was the poppy. This year, I wanted to learn more about this tradition and create our own poppies for tomorrow to show our thanks to all those who have served our country. If you are interested in learning more about it, I found this great article going into detail about why we have the poppy as the symbol for veterans. As for our daily idea, we are making poppy sun-catchers.

Items Needed:

red and pink tissue paper

black construction paper

pieces of contact paper


First, remove the backing from the contact paper. Then tape the corners of the contact paper to a flat surface with the sticky side up. Cut a circle (about 2-4 inches in diameter) from the black construction paper and place it in the middle of the contact paper. Then cut small strips from the black construction paper to create an outline for your poppy. Lay the black strips on the contact paper about 5-7 inches away from the middle circle in a flower shape. Cut or tear up the tissue paper and decorate the blank space in between the black center of the contact paper and the edge of the flower with the red and pink tissue paper. Remove the whole sheet of contact paper from your flat surface and stick it to a window to see the sun shine through your poppy.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #193: Marble Toes

I can’t believe it is November, but here we are. In some areas there is still 80 degree weather and in others it’s been snowing! For some, it’s still very easy to head outside and burn off some energy. However, even if the weather is nice, we are still trying to avoid large groups; playgrounds and other shared outdoor paces can be a challenging. Due to all of these factors, today’s daily idea is an inside energy burner: a Marble/Lego Toe Run!

You’ll need marbles, legos, or both (something small that your kids can pick up with their toes). Place them in a few small piles on one end of a room. Have your kids race to a pile to pick up a lego or a marble with their toes and then, as quickly as they can without dropping it, get it to the other side of the room. Whomever brings the most pieces from one side of the room to other wins!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #192: Egg-speriment

For today’s daily idea I take no credit “egg”sept finding it on Pinterest.

We are going to make geodes inside of eggs! In this link, you will find all the items needed and full instructions as to how make your geode.

Thank you to for this “egg”cellent idea!!! Enjoy!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #191: In Which House?

So, we made our wands, we did some magic, but we have no idea to which Hogwarts House we belong!

For today’s daily idea, we are using this “fortune teller” template to find out if each of us belong in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin.

To make the fortune teller, print the paper and cut off the white excess. Place the square facedown and fold the four corners into the center (you’ll make a smaller square). Fold that square in half with the open flaps of the small square where the crease is. Then fold it the opposite way. Place your fingers in the bottom of the fortune teller to create little teepee like tents in each corner and you’ve got your fortune teller! Have each person choose their picture and open and close the fortune teller the number of times equal to the number on that picture. Do that until you get into one of the houses.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #190: Magic Balloon

Now that we have made our magic wands (even though we ate some), we are going to use them to create some magic. For today’s daily idea we are going to watch a balloon inflate without blowing it up ourselves. And while we’re at it, everyone will come up with their own magic words for the spell.

Items needed:

Plastic disposable water bottle

1 packet (or 2 tablespoons) active yeast

3-5 spoonfuls sugar

~1/2 cup water


a funnel (optional)

Spoon the sugar into the water bottle; use the funnel to make it easier. Add the water, then the yeast. Replace the cap of the water bottle and shake vigorously for 10-20 seconds. Remove the cap and secure the balloon onto the open end of the water bottle. Let it sit— it may take a little while for the balloon to expand but as the sugar begins to eat the yeast it will release carbon dioxide and the gas will blow up the balloon!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #189: Edible Wand

We are going back to Harry Potter’s wizarding world and making edible wands for today’s daily idea. We’ll be using pretzel rods, chocolate, and various sprinkles to create our wands.

Take your chocolate (we are using different types of chocolate chips— white chocolate, dark chocolate, and milk chocolate) and place each into their own microwaveable safe bowl. In 15 second intervals heat each bowl of chocolate separately until melted. Once each chocolate is melted, dip about a third of the pretzel rod into the various chocolates of your choice, then decorate with the various sprinkles. Lay them on a sheet of wax paper to harden and voila!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #188: Election Day

Everyone here in the United States (or at least most people) are preoccupied with the election today. The election results effect us all in one way or another and not only us but our kids.

For today, we are going to read the following poem by Judith Viorst and then rewriting it. I want to hear what my kids would do if they were president. I’m having my oldest fill out the template on her own and share her thoughts with us and then I’m asking my other two the questions and I’ll help them fill it out.

If I Were in Charge of the World

by Judith Viorst

If I were in charge of the world

I’d cancel oatmeal,

Monday mornings,

Allergy shots, and also

Sara Steinberg.


If I were in charge of the world

There’d be brighter night lights,

Healthier hamsters, and 

Basketball baskets forty-eight inches lower.


If I were in charge of the world

You wouldn’t have lonely.

You wouldn’t have clean.

You wouldn’t have bedtimes.

Or “Don’t punch your sister.”

You wouldn’t even have sisters.


If I were in charge of the world

A chocolate sundae with whipped cream

   and nuts would be a vegetable.

All 007 movies would be G.

And a person who sometimes forgot to brush.

And sometimes forgot to flush,

Would still be allowed to be 

In charge of the world.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #187: Dragon Egg Collection

We have been reading Harry Potter out loud since March in our house and I can proudly say that my children have become obsessed with every aspect of the wizarding world of Harry Potter. We are going to look for Harry Potter inspired activities for our daily ideas and this first one is a great one!

My kids are going to collect “dragon eggs” (and by dragon eggs, I mean m&m’s). All you need is a pair of chopsticks, a bowl, and m&m’s in any flavor. Place the dragon eggs in a pile on a table. Have your child see how many eggs they can pick up with their chopsticks in 1 min. Have every take turns to see if they can beat each other’s highest count.

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Daily Idea #186: Skeleton Hand

Tomorrow is Halloween, and while we don’t celebrate Halloween in our family, I’ve tried coming up with ideas over the week that bring the fun of Halloween without the “bring back the dead” part of it.

For today’s daily idea (the last before Halloween since I don’t post on Saturdays) I found this incredible STEM project! You need 4 items: drinking straws, tape, string, and paper. We are going to make a “skeleton hand” that will even allow each finger to move independent of the others. I am including the short video for the tutorial on how it’s done.

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