Daily Idea #198: Play Dough/ Cloud Dough
My 9 year old spent half the day yesterday looking up do it yourself play dough/cloud dough recipes and then spent the other half of the day making different doughs with which her and her brothers could play. So for today’s daily idea, I am taking inspiration from her and giving you the easiest play dough/cloud dough recipe I could find.
All you need is cornstarch and hair conditioner. Mix two parts cornstarch to one part hair conditioner and knead thoroughly. You can add a few drops of essentials oils or some drops of coloring (food coloring has a tendency to dye your hands— bath bomb coloring is harder to find but doesn’t dye your hands) to make different kinds of dough. We used chopsticks, play dough tools, and our hands to create sculptures and such. When you are finished, store each dough in a plastic container or plastic baggies.