Daily Idea #193: Marble Toes
I can’t believe it is November, but here we are. In some areas there is still 80 degree weather and in others it’s been snowing! For some, it’s still very easy to head outside and burn off some energy. However, even if the weather is nice, we are still trying to avoid large groups; playgrounds and other shared outdoor paces can be a challenging. Due to all of these factors, today’s daily idea is an inside energy burner: a Marble/Lego Toe Run!
You’ll need marbles, legos, or both (something small that your kids can pick up with their toes). Place them in a few small piles on one end of a room. Have your kids race to a pile to pick up a lego or a marble with their toes and then, as quickly as they can without dropping it, get it to the other side of the room. Whomever brings the most pieces from one side of the room to other wins!