Daily Idea #201: Sponge Bombs
The days are getting shorter and chillier. My kids are loosing time outside once the sun goes down. But once they get inside they love a nice warm bath; before dinner, after dinner, really anytime. They can stay in said bath for as long as I let them— hours, I bet. And what do they love to do in the bath? Splash! Sometimes we close the curtain (like someone is showering) and just let them have at it and make a hurricane. And sometimes, they forget to close the curtain and we all have to clean up the puddles that accumulate. So, for today’s daily idea we are making a toy for the bath to enhance the splash. Sponge bombs!
3 sponges
1 hair tie
For each sponge bomb, you’ll need 3 sponges and 1 hair tie. Cut the sponges into thirds on the longer side of the sponge. Gather them together and wrap the hair tie around the middle of the sponge stems (like you are tying a ponytail) until you cannot make another loop with the hair tie. Fluff the sponge stems out so they poof in all directions and you have a sponge bomb! Throw them in the tub have fun!