Daily Idea #190: Magic Balloon

Now that we have made our magic wands (even though we ate some), we are going to use them to create some magic. For today’s daily idea we are going to watch a balloon inflate without blowing it up ourselves. And while we’re at it, everyone will come up with their own magic words for the spell.

Items needed:

Plastic disposable water bottle

1 packet (or 2 tablespoons) active yeast

3-5 spoonfuls sugar

~1/2 cup water


a funnel (optional)

Spoon the sugar into the water bottle; use the funnel to make it easier. Add the water, then the yeast. Replace the cap of the water bottle and shake vigorously for 10-20 seconds. Remove the cap and secure the balloon onto the open end of the water bottle. Let it sit— it may take a little while for the balloon to expand but as the sugar begins to eat the yeast it will release carbon dioxide and the gas will blow up the balloon!


Daily Idea #191: In Which House?


Daily Idea #189: Edible Wand