Daily Idea #363: Boom, Snap, Clap
Today’s daily idea can be played by one’s own self or with multiple players. Either way, it’s a really fun beat game.
For each word that you see, you also say it out loud.
When you see the word “boom” or “ba-boom”, that means you hit your chest with an open hand (once for boom and twice for ba-boom).
When you see the word “snap”, that means you snap your fingers.
When you see the word “clap”, you clap your hands together once. If you are playing with multiple players, you clap hands with the person next to you or across from you.
When you see the word “shhh”, you hold your pointer finger up to your lips and say shhhh.
The first round is played with just the right hand. The second time through, use just the left hand. The third time through, use both hands.