Daily Idea #364: A-Z’s of Gratitude

Every Friday night our family sits down for a meal together and we talk about the great parts of our week along with the challenges we had that week. I love that I get to hear from my children (and my husband) about how they felt their week was overall; sometimes, I hear about things that I didn’t know happened and other times I get a different perspective of an experience I shared with them.

For today’s daily idea we are taking this activity to the next level and sharing with each other the things for which we are grateful. The catch, however, is that we are going to do this in alphabetical order. The first person will give something they are grateful for starting with the letter A (affection, for example). The next person will give something they are grateful for beginning with the letter B (butterflies, for example). This will continue around the table until we get to Z.


Daily Idea #365: GeoCaching


Daily Idea #363: Boom, Snap, Clap