Daily Idea #163: Perler Bead Bowl
My kids have trinkets and knick knacks all over the house. We are always looking for ways to keep them stored and organized so when I stumbled upon this idea I knew we had to try it!
For today’s daily idea we are going to make bowls out of perler beads— if you don’t have some, invest in some. They are inexpensive, you can find them at crafting stores (IKEA has a big container of them as well), and they bring out some incredible design ideas.
1) oven safe bowl
2) cooking spray
3) perler beads
4) baking sheet
5) a preheated oven to 375 degrees
To start, spray the insides of your bowl with the cooking spray (this will not only help insure that the beads don’t stick to the bowl once they melt but the beads will stick to the spray beforehand so they can be built up on the walls of the bowl). Have your kids pour a handful or two of beads into the bowl and then gently spread them out so they cover the as much of the bowl as possible in one layer. Place your bowl on the baking sheet and carefully place it in the oven. Let it is sit for 15-20 minutes. CAREFULLY remove the bowl from the oven. While it’s hot, you can use a spoon to spread any beads out on the bottom of the bowl that may not be sitting flush and then let your bowl cool for at least 20 minutes before removing it from the oven safe bowl. Wipe the outside of the bowl to remove any residue from the cooking spray and you have a beautiful handmade nick knack bowl!