Daily Idea #164: Pom Pom Rocket
We got pool noodles for the backyard blow up pool this summer and since we have since put away the pool the noodles are now sitting doing nothing (except for the rare occasion for when the kids use them as swords). So for today’s daily idea we are up cycling the pool noodles to Pom Pom rockets.
1) pool noodle
2) 9” balloons
3) duct tape
4) pom poms
Have an adult cut the pool noodle into 3” sections with a sharp knife. Tie the balloon (without blowing it up). Cut the top of the balloon— about 1 inch worth (the opposite end that you just tied). Stretch the balloon over one end of the pool noodle and wrap duct tape around it to keep it in place. Put the pom poms in the open hole, pull the end of the balloon back, let go, and watch the pom poms fly!