Daily Idea #130: Name Poetry

Poetry has always been a love/hate relationship for me; not having rules for writing that are congruous can be frustrating for someone who likes order. However, I love simple poetry like using my name or my children’s names to create something new.

With that in mind, today we are using our names to create a poem. The twist is that you are not going to use your own name. Pick someone in the family (make sure everyone has some one else’s name so no one is left out and there aren’t any duplicates) and come up with words or sentences to describe that person with each letter of their name.

EXAMPLE with my name KELILA:

a mom who never forgets the Ketchup

Even when the bottle empties

the kids all cheer, “Let’s hear it for mom!”

all because I brought the red stuff.

so Let it never be said that

Anything slips by mom


Daily Idea #131: Plank Challenge


Daily Idea #129: Edible Sand