Daily Idea #211: Human Catapult
I saw a picture of a game online that included many people in the actual play and thought, “What if only one or two people played?” And I somehow got to the following game: Human Catapult!
All you need is a ball (think soft— if you don’t have a ball, use a pair of socks rolled up into a ball) and a little space. Lay on your back with your knees up like you are about to do sit-ups. With your arms up over your head (so your arms are on the ground as well), hold the ball. You are going to swing your arms up and over your body to then do a sit up but when you get to the top of your sit-up, throw the ball. If you can playing with a partner, have your partner catch the ball and throw it back. If you are playing by yourself, throw the ball at a blank space at the wall and see if you can bounce it back to yourself. Repeat until you can’t do anymore catapults.