You might be wondering …

What should I do
with my kids today?!

Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Idea #6: Mirror Mirror

Stand face to face with your child, about a foot apart, and have them attempt to copy all your movements. Reach up and stretch to the sky. Reach down and touch your toes. Spread your arms like a bird and flap. Do 10 jumping jacks. Run in place. Act like a monkey. Make it fun and you’ll both be working up a sweat in no time. Then switch roles and copy your child – they won’t be able to hold back the laughter (and neither will you!)

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Idea #5: Get those wiggles out!

Here we are almost at the end of the first week and we’ve survived (mostly)! I am sure a lot of us are getting restless; unsure if we should go outside and even if we can get outside, how do we get the wiggles out without getting to a playground? Thankfully, we’ve had a lot of people step up to lead yoga, dance, singing... (thank you!!!!)

For today’s activity, do a “boot camp”! 

  1. 50 jumping jacks

  2. 20 sit-ups

  3. 10 burpees

  4. try “walking on a tightrope”— one foot in front of the other heel/toe/heel/toe

  5. Crab walk across the room or down the hallway

  6. Grapevine in one direction and then the other

  7. Skip in a large circle 3 times

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Idea #4: Brighten Someone’s Day

We are going on day four of this semi-quarantined state and it’s rough, but at least we have our families. I can only imagine how people in the hospitals, assisted living centers, or nursing homes feel; they aren’t letting any visitors in!

Well, we may not be able to physically be there but we can still let them know we are thinking of them. Our very talented artist friend, Chari Pere, came up with some drawings that we can color and then send in to the center of your choice. Click on the “Connect Virtually” link for the two amazing coloring pages, from Chari. Feel free to print out as many as you would like, color them in, sign them and send them off to others as a way of bringing some sunshine and love!

Some suggestions for places to send to in the LA area— 

Cedars Sinai

8700 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90048


6041 Cadillac Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90034

Children’s Hospital LA

Michelle Lehat

4650 Sunset Blvd.

MS 38

Los Angeles, CA 90027

Country Villa Terrace Assisted Living Center

6050 Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90035

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Idea #3: Family Handshake

Hopefully the first day or two of being home is going well! I know it’s a lot and you may be getting sick of each other already; you can do this!

It might be time to remember how silly and fun being a child really is. Get your child(ren) to make up a family handshake. Let them work together for 15-20 minutes, then have them teach it to you.

If you really want a challenge, try doing the family handshake without touching your hands!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Idea #2: Pi City

Pi day, otherwise known as 03/14! (Well, yesterday was Pi day) We usually do something to teach how far Pi really goes. So we’ve created a “Pi City”; (the video is available on our FB Page, for the “how to”)

You can add as many numbers as you want (after all pi goes on and on and on and on...). Feel free to use other mediums to create your city. Just have fun! And share your finished cities so we can all connect by doing the same things virtually!

Happy Pi!

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Kelila Siciliano Kelila Siciliano

Idea #1: Just Dance

Music and dance release stress. Because I can never sit still and want to move and groove when I hear the song Happy (you know, the one from Despicable Me 2), play the song Happy by Pharrell Williams on your iPad, Alexa, YouTube, Google Home, or anywhere else you can play music. Do a silly dance or if you are feeling brave choreograph some moves to a small portion of the song. Record 30 seconds of your dance and either email me your video so I can post it here or repost it yourself on Facebook, Instagram, or where ever else you post with the hashtags #connectvirtually #onlinevillage #Happy #dance #stressreliever #unwind #quarantine #coronavirus

click on Connect Virtually to see my video

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