Idea #5: Get those wiggles out!

Here we are almost at the end of the first week and we’ve survived (mostly)! I am sure a lot of us are getting restless; unsure if we should go outside and even if we can get outside, how do we get the wiggles out without getting to a playground? Thankfully, we’ve had a lot of people step up to lead yoga, dance, singing... (thank you!!!!)

For today’s activity, do a “boot camp”! 

  1. 50 jumping jacks

  2. 20 sit-ups

  3. 10 burpees

  4. try “walking on a tightrope”— one foot in front of the other heel/toe/heel/toe

  5. Crab walk across the room or down the hallway

  6. Grapevine in one direction and then the other

  7. Skip in a large circle 3 times


Idea #6: Mirror Mirror


Idea #4: Brighten Someone’s Day