Daily Idea #240: Infinity Breathing
After everything that happened in the the capital yesterday, I decided that today would be a good idea to work on breathing exercises. We, as adults, need the reminder to breathe just as much as our kids do. So, for today’s daily idea we are working on breathing in and out slowly.
Concentrate on breathing in for 8 counts and out for 8 counts. Do that 8 times. Then with your pointer finger, draw an infinity sign (a figure 8 on it’s side) in the air in front of you. With each 8 count breath in draw one infinity sign and with each 8 count breath out draw another infinity sign. After you have done that, switch hands and draw the infinity sign with the hand that didn’t draw it the first time.
The idea is that it gets your mind out of the immediate stress of whatever is going on in your head and calms you down.