Daily Idea #100: Counting Warm Up
This is one of my favorite things to do in acting when warming up my voice and my body for a show; for the 100th daily idea, I felt we needed to have something to mark the day that was bigger than other days and this little energy buster is the perfect one.
The way the activity works is that you shake your right hand in the air, then your left hand in the air, then your right foot, and finally your left foot. With each shake you count off from 10-1 (so shake your right hand 10 times, left hand 10 times, right foot 10 times, and left foot 10 times). On each subsequent round you count down from one less. So on the second round you shake your right hand counting down from 9-1, left hand from 9-1, right foot from 9-1, and left foot from 9-1. On the third round you count 8-1, fourth round 7-1, etc…