Daily Idea #184: Marshmallow Toss

My kids love marshmallows, store bought, homemade, whatever. We roast marshmallows with the fire from the stove since we usually don’t have a campfire, we make marshmallows, and we usually have to hide the marshmallows because the bag would be gone in a day if they were out where every could see.

Today’s daily idea is capitalizing on this, however, and we are bringing out the mallows! All you need is either mini marshmallows or regular sized marshmallows and plastic cups. Set up the cups so the hole is faced upward. Arrange them in a flat pyramid.


Stand at least 2 feet away at have each of your kids toss their marshmallows trying to make it into the cups. Each cup can be worth a different amount of points and whomever gets the most points wins!


Daily Idea #185: Monster Hands


Daily Idea #183: Crazy Dress Up