Daily Idea #273: Do Unto Others

One of my favorite parts of the Purim story is hearing how Haman describes to King Achashverosh the fashion to which he wishes to be honored and praised. Haman wants a parade for the king’s most loyal and favorable person in his “cabinet”. He wants that person to be celebrated and to ride through the town on a horse for all to see. Haman is, of course, describing what he himself wants, thinking that he is the person the king would choose to honor. The twist is that it is not Haman, but the Jewish man, Mordechai who the king honors and for whom he creates this celebration.

For today’s daily idea, we are going to do something similar. My kids will be asked how they would like to be honored. What could we do to celebrate something they have done? I want them to really think about what their dream day would be.

When each child is finished, we will compare their ideas to see the similarities and the differences. We will then try to incorporate all of their dream day ideas and see if we can create a day to celebrate them all each as individuals and as members of a team in our family.


Daily Idea #274: Putt-Putt


Daily Idea #272: Hand Masks