Daily Idea #36: Mother’s Day DIY
Mother’s Day is less than 2 weeks away and while you still have time to order something, it’s always nice to get a thoughtful handmade craft in the mail (or on the door step if you live close to your mother).
I did this for my mom when I was in highschool and she always comments on how much she loved it, so we are all going all in and doing it again.
Make a care package for your mother/grandmother! With your children, think of the various things you like to do while relaxing— reading magazines, burning scented candles, taking a bath with bath soaps/ salts/ bubbles, polishing your nails, etc…
Have an adult head to CVS or Walgreens (safely, with masks and obeying the 6ft rule) to pick up the supplies you thought of for your care package for your mother/grandmother.
Assemble the package with a handmade card from everyone and if you live close to your mother/grandmother you can drop it off on their doorstop on Mother’s Day or, if you are like me and live far away from your parents, you can send it in the mail.