Daily Idea #22: Signs for the kitchen
It’s almost Passover! We are trying to cook and get ready for the chag and of course we need our kids to just get out of the kitchen! Well, if you are like me, the one thing I forget every year is to make the “STOP! CHAMETZ” sign.
This year, I’m having my kids make them. My 8 year old will be drawing the octagon and writing the words. My 6 year old will color them in and help my 3 year old hang them up.
If your kids aren’t old enough, make some stop signs yourself. Have them color and help them cut them our and then show your child(ren) where to hang them up.
This will be the last post for this week since we are headed into the 3 day chag (holiday) but we’ll be back on Sunday!
As always, have fun and stay healthy