Daily Idea #125: Ice Man Chip-ith

Today’s daily idea takes a little bit of prep so it may be better used for tomorrow or late in the afternoon today.

Take a few toys that are waterproof (or water resistant) and place them into a medium sized Tupperware container. Place the first 3-4 toys with water into the container and put it in the freezer. When that layer is frozen (or almost frozen) take 3-4 more toys and repeat the process. Keep doing this until the container is full with ice and toys. When the whole ice block is solid remove it from the container and let the kids chip away the ice with spoons and forks and melt it away with sponges and towels.

You can make it even more exciting by adding food coloring to each layer and see which colors melt the fastest.


Daily Idea #126: Handprint Art


Daily Idea #124: Sumo Wrestling