Daily Idea #226: Frozen Edible Snowflakes

My kids have recently been making hot chocolate as a treat a few times per week. They haven’t found the joy of putting marshmallows in their cups yet, and of course, hot chocolate without a marshmallow is not a winter treat! However, I found a recipe that may make putting marshmallows in your hot chocolate a thing of the past (and it is super easy!).

All you need is cool whip (or something similar), a baking tin, parchment paper, and cookie cutters. Spread your cool whip on a baking tin lined with parchment paper. Spread it in one layer as even as you can make it. Place it in the freezer for at least an hour. When you remove the tray from the freezer, the cool whip will be frozen. Take your cookie cutters (snowflake shape or any other shapes you have) and start cutting out shapes. Place one shape in your hot cocoa and you have a homemade marshmallowy treat! To store the extra frozen cool whip shapes, you can place them in a plastic container in layers (just make sure to put wax paper or parchment paper between the layers).


Daily Idea #227: Can You Draw It?


Daily Idea #225: “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?”