Daily Idea #233: Noisemakers
Tomorrow night we say good riddance to 2020! I can’t think of a better way to help usher out this year than with making some noise. Homemade noise makers are so easy and require very few items.
2 paper plates
dried beans/dried corn/small uncooked pasta
items for decorating
Start by decorating the bottoms of the 2 paper plates. Color them, washi tape them, put ribbons around the edges… Then pour about a 1/3 cup of the dried beans/dried corn/small uncooked pasta into one of the paper plates (in the area where you would put your food). Place the second paper plate on top of the first paper plate upside down and staple them together. (The closer you place the staples around the edge of the plate, the less of a chance that your noise making material will come out.) Shake ‘til your heart’s content.