Daily Idea #285: Bullseye
Since we got our hula hoops and I am no master at actually hula hooping, I am going to post all sorts of games you can play with the hula hoop that have nothing to do with getting it to twirl around your hips.
For today’s daily idea, you can play solo or with another person. Lay the hoop on the ground at one of the room (or if outside, at one end of the yard). Stand about 5 feet away from the hula hoop and try and roll a ball (a tennis ball is ideal) into the hoop without it going over. If you get the ball in the hoop, flip the hoop over so you are closer to the other end of the room (or the other end of the yard). If the ball ends up outside of the hoop have the person you are playing with be the designated retriever until you can get the ball into the hoop enough times to make it all the way across the room or yard. If playing solo, retrieve your own ball and continue.