Daily Idea #308: Hand Stacker
I’m an only child. Being an only child has it’s benefits. However, there were many times I had to use my imagination because I didn’t have anyone else around with which to play. Now, my dad is kind of a big kid. When we would go to a restaurant and service was a little slower than I could handle, he would inevitably put one hand on the table which signaled the hand stacker game.
The game is super simple and it’s not even like there is a winner; it’s just plain fun. One person places their hand (palm down) on a flat surface. Each person (for however many people are involved) then places one hand on the stack. Once each person has one hand in this pile of hands, place the other hand on the stack one at a time (hence, hand stacker). The person whose hand is on the bottom now has to pull their bottom hand out and place it on top of the stack. Each person, subsequently when their hand reaches the bottom of the pile, has to pull that hand out and stack it on the top. The game continues until you either laugh too hard to continue or until the players get too confused as to whose hand is really on the bottom of the stack.