Daily Idea #246: Relay Crawl
Get ready for some fast paced fun! For today’s daily idea, we are setting up a small course to race through. You’ll need 10 cans (cones, water bottles, something to line up that you can crawl over and weave through), a stack of stuffed animals or other toys, and some space.
To set up the course, place the cans in a straight line with about 10 inches in between each can. Place all the toys at the far end of the line of cans. At the start, crawl over the line of cans as fast as you can. Then pick up a toy and weave through the cans on the way back to start. Repeat until you have picked up all the toys. You can either time each person and the whomever gets the fastest time wins or you can set up two courses so you can race against each other 2 at a time.