Daily Idea #91: Fireworks
I am not sure about the rest of the United States at the moment but here in Los Angeles fireworks have been cancelled. I come at this with mixed feelings; I love the beauty in fireworks but I also have a child who is extremely sensitive to the sound fireworks make.
After doing some research on easy ways to bring the beauty of the fireworks to our home we are going to create our own soundless fireworks this year.
You can use any blank piece of paper you’d like, but we are going to use black construction paper (the colors will stand out more and it will make the fireworks look like they are exploding in a night sky).
With whatever colors you’d like, take a fork (we tried using a plastic fork and it didn’t work so well) and dip the prongs in the first color. Press the dipped prongs onto the paper. Dip them again and press the fork down next the original marks to start to form a circular pattern. Layer with as many colors as you’d like (we used red, white, and blue).