Daily Idea #148: Bird Feeder
It may still be hot where we are, but it’s also September and fall is coming (sooner for some than others). That means leaf hunts and pine cone searches! For today’s daily idea we are making bird feeders, which means we need a pine cone or two! We also need string, some sort of “peanut” butter (we have nut allergies so we use soy nut butter or sunflower butter), and bird seed.
Go for a walk and find a pine cone (or if you can’t see a pine cone, an empty toilet paper roll will also work). Tie a 10” piece of string around the pointy area of the pine cone (or make a hole in the toilet paper roll and tie a string through that). Take a butter knife and smear on a good layer of your choice of “peanut” butter. Roll your “peanut” butter covered pine cone or toilet paper roll in bird seed. Hang your bird feeder outside from the string— in a back yard, on a front porch, outside a window…