Daily Idea #14: How big is it?

I don’t know about you, but when the tape measure comes out in our house the kids want to measure EVERYTHING in site— themselves, the table, their beds, literally everything. Sometimes we allow it; other times we tell them to measure those items in a different way.

How? You may ask. Have your child use their feet to figure out how big a space is. By putting one foot directly in front of the other, have them walk across their bedroom or the dining room or even the whole length of the house and count how many steps they take. Compare your answers with others in your house to see the difference in measurements.

You can also use hands to measure things like their bed or the dining room table by placing your right hand with your palm at the end of one side of the table and then setting up the base of your palm on the left hand at the right hand fingertips. Continue this process across the surface to the other end. Count how many times you move your hands just like you did with your feet. Compare answers with others in the family to gauge how big or small our feet and hands are.


Daily Idea #15: Long Jump


Daily Idea #13: Towers