Daily Idea #300: Dinosaur Eggs
I’ll be the first to admit, I know very little about Good Friday and Easter (you know, besides the basics). I do know that Easter is full of eggs— egg hunts and egg dyeing. Because Passover and Easter share this simple food (on the Seder plate we have a hard boiled egg) we are going to make dinosaur hard boiled eggs for today’s daily idea!
Hard boiled eggs
food safe dye
small cups or bowls
1) Once your eggs are hard boiled and cooled off (if you want a simple way to hard boil your eggs, click here), gently tap each one on the counter. The idea is to create cracks all over the egg without too much of the shell coming off.
2) Squeeze some drops of food coloring into small bowls or cups of water, creating as many colors as you’d like (just the primary colors that come in the box or mix them together to create orange, green, and purple).
3) Put an egg in each color (or a few in one color) and let it sit for a few hours or even overnight. Rinse them off, remove the shells, and discover your very own veined dinosaur egg!