Daily Idea #62: Breathe
Today is a day we all need to breathe. Some good deep in and out breaths. In order to do this we are making bubbles (since we can’t get a store or even are able to go out today).
To make your own bubbles, here’s what you need:
1 quart water
3/4 cup of dish soap (Dawn seems to be the best option for this)
1/8 cup cornstarch
Carefully combine the ingredients, stirring slowly and gently so you don’t start making bubbles before you are ready to blow bubbles. Let this sit for 10 min or so.
When ready, you can use a few different ways to blow those bubbles.
1) Dunk your hands into the solution and clasp them together as if you were about clap. When you remove your hands make a small opening near your thumbs and pull you palms apart. Slowly blow into the hole you created and viola!
2) Make homemade wands. If you have pipe cleaners and a small dowel you can make a simple bubble wand by forming a circle with the pipe cleaner and twisting the ends around the dowel. You can even use beads on the pipe cleaner to make it fancy. Dunk and use.
3) Use any bubble wands you may have left over from other bubble solutions.
Use some deep breathing to get some big bubbles and let the kids play as well (we all need to breathe right now).