Daily Idea #321: What If?
We play the “what if” game in our house on a pretty regular basis. “What if we are at a park and you don’t see me?” “What if I told you I was picking you up from a class and someone else comes that you were not expecting?” “What if you are at a friend’s house and want to come home without letting your friend know that you want to leave?”
For today’s daily idea, we are playing the “what if” game but with fire safety as the theme of the questions. We will come up with a plan as to how to get us all out of the house and to a safe meeting place if there is a fire. We will discuss and review how to use a fie extinguisher (I’ll attach a picture of how to use one below). We will also go over who to call and what to say on the phone if there is a fire (your name, your address, your emergency…)