Daily Idea #351: Don’t Eat Pete!

Over the course of the year, I have seen references to this game but never bothered to read the instructions. I am not sure why… This morning, I saw the game pop up again, and I thought, “ok, what is this game all about?” And that’s how today’s daily idea is “Don’t Eat Pete!”

All you need are edible game pieces— M&M’s, cheerios, mini marshmallows… Set up your game pieces in rows (as many as you choose— we are starting with 10 rows of 10 game pieces each). Send one person out of the room as the first player. The other players choose one game piece to be “Pete”. The first player comes back into the room and begins to eat game pieces one by one. When they pick up the game piece designated as Pete, everyone yells, “DON’T EAT PETE!”. The game board is then set up again and the next person has a turn.

You can try and trick the player by yelling, “Don’t eat Popcorn!” Or “Don’t eat Penelope!”.

As always, have fun!


Daily Idea #352: Stop the Ninja


Daily Idea #350: Fruit Race