Daily Idea #171: Human Wheelbarrow
We’ve had a lot of time at home without electronics because of the Jewish Holidays and my kids have been pretty great about playing board games, card games, getting outside for bits of time, but the one thing that they can’t seem to figure out is teamwork. Even with the games, after a round or two someone usually ends the game by claiming the other cheated or that they got bored. So for today’s daily idea we are working together in pairs and we are working on taking turns.
Each person is going to be a human wheelbarrow. That means the “wheelbarrow” will start by laying on the ground on their belly. The other person will hold the ankles of the person laying down while the “wheelbarrow” uses their arms (either all the way up on their hands or on their forearms) as the way to move. Place something light, like a pillow or a stuffed animal, on the back of the wheelbarrow and work together to make it across a room or down a hallway without the object falling off. Take turns being the wheelbarrow and moving your light object from one place to another.