Daily Idea #105: Constellations
Since yesterday we looked at the stars in the sky, for today’s daily idea we wanted to see what the constellations looked like up close.
What you’ll need is an empty toilet paper roll, tape, a pushpin, your phone flashlight, scissors, and sturdy paper (like construction paper).
I am including a printout from www.playgroundparkbench.com with printable constellation circles both with constellations and blank circles for you to make your own. Print these out either on card stock or on regular paper to then tape to construction paper circles.
Once you have the paper printed, use a pushpin to make holes where the dots are. Cut out the individual circles and if you are using card stock tape your first circle onto the end of the toilet paper roll. If you are using regular paper tape the circle to the construction paper to make it a little sturdier and repeat the hole punching with the pushpin to go through the construction paper.
When you have the circle taped to the end of the toilet paper roll, use your phone flashlight to shine through the open end of the roll onto a flat surface (the wall, the floor, etc…) It is better if the room is darker, but no need for the room to be pitch black. You’ll see the pattern of the constellation shine through onto the wall.
Thank you to www.playgroundandparkbench.com for this free download and great idea!