Daily Idea # 302: Thimble Bit of Water
For this week’s daily ideas, I was looking into some old school games to play (I’ll be posting each one throughout the week) and I stumbled on the following gem of a game. You’ll need a thimble, some water, a pen, and a piece of paper.
To play, the group decides a category— months of the year, numbers 1-10, holidays, cereals… The first player writes down something from that category hidden from everyone else (for example, if you chose holidays, the person could write down Hanukkah). The player then fills the thimble with water and the rest of the players take turns guessing what was written down. Whomever guesses the correct answer gets the thimble of water tossed at them (and because it’s a thimble, it’s a very small amount of water!) they then get to be the person who writes down the next thing to guess.