Daily Idea #155: Bobbing for Apples
For those who don’t know, tomorrow night is the start of the Jewish New Year. We are continuing to honor the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah by exploring more traditional foods that we eat during this time. One thing we definitely need on our table and wouldn’t feel like Rosh Hashanah without apples.
For today’s daily idea, we are going to bob for apples! Set up a small bucket (like the one you get at hospital from the postpartum rooms) with water. For older kids you can just put a few apples directly into the water. For the younger children, cut the apples into slices. You can either place the bucket on the ground or on a table. If on the ground, go down on your knees and using your mouth (without using your hands at all) try getting the apples out of the bucket. If the bucket is on the table, sit at the table and just lean into the bucket again using your mouth to bob for apples.