Daily Idea #338: My Moosestache
In my honest opinion, mustaches are one of the funniest additions to the human body. My dad has one. He has one almost my entire life; the one time he shaved it off, I told him he looked like a monkey! To be fair, I was about 9 or 10 years old.
To honor the mustache, for today’s daily idea, we are going to make our own mustaches out of construction paper. Once created and colored in, we will cut them out. Finally we will use some tape to stick them to our upper lips and keep them there for as long as the tape holds. Whenever we refer to our own mustache or someone else’s, we will ask (in the best British accent you can muster), “Oh, do you like my moosetache?”
It’s silly, it’s fun, and it reminds us to not take ourselves so seriously.