Daily Idea #282: Map It Out

I have said it many times, but I truly love understanding the point of view my kids have. It’s fascinating to watch them learn and grow; as their understanding of the world around them changes, I, as their parent have to change my expectations.

One of the ways we can physically see each child’s maturity is through their understanding of where we live. We teach our children their address with a song from a very young age, but to conceptualize that information in the grander scheme is something that comes with age and growth.

For today’s daily idea, I am asking each of my kids to make a map of where we live. This can be as simple as the street we live on with our house and some trees, or as complex as the surrounding city and the different components of said city. It’ll be interesting to see the intricacies that they have picked up on as well as how they view their world.


Daily Idea #283: How Does It Work?


Daily Idea #281: 20 Questions