Daily Idea #248: It’s What’s Inside That Counts
We’ve been talking a lot in our family about how it’s what is on the inside of a person that counts— trustworthiness, love, how you treat people, animals, the earth, etc… People all look different (even people in our own family) but we are all the same on the inside. And finally, the more effort you put into showing empathy/sympathy, respect, and kindness the more your own beauty shines.
My favorite way to teach this is to bring out a packet of M&M’s or Skittles (anything that is all different on the outside but all the same on the inside). We take out some different colors and separate them into groups according to their color. Then have your child close their eyes and give them one M&M at a time of each different color at to taste. Ask them to try and guess which color it is. Then have them take two M&M’s and bite halfway through to see the color on the outside and the chocolate on the inside.
You can ask them what kinds of characteristics matter most to them in their friends. Discuss how physical appearances aren’t as important as who the person is on the inside.